Child Abuse Acronyms Reference

Our field is full of abbreviated terminologies. Here's a helpful guide to understanding our many acronyms.

ADA Assistant District Attorney
AG Attorney General
AP Alleged Perpetrator
CAC Child Advocacy Center
CASA Court Appointed Special Advocate
CHOP Childrenโ€™s Hospital of Philadelphia
CPS Child Protective Services
CSA Child Sexual Abuse
CSE Commercial Sexual Exploitation
CSEC Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
DA District Attorney
DHS Department of Human Services
DMST Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking
DV Domestic Violence
DVS Domestic Violence Specialist
EBP Evidence Based Practices
FA Family Advocate
FI Forensic Interview(er)
GAL Guardian Ad Litem
HT Human Trafficking
ICAC Internet Crimes Against Children
IEP Individual Education Plan
JUV Juvenile
LE Law Enforcement
LEO Law Enforcement Only
MCAP Montgomery County Child Advocacy Project
MDT Multi-Disciplinary Team
MDIT Multi-Disciplinary Investigative Team
MH Mental Health
MK Mission Kids
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MRCAC Midwest Regional Childrenโ€™s Advocacy Center
NCTSN National Child Traumatic Stress Network
NOC Non-Offending Caregiver
OCY Office of Children and Youth
OJJDP Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
OVS Office of Victim Services
PACAC Pennsylvania Chapter of Child Advocacy Centers
PCADV Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence
PCAR Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape
PCCD Pennsylvania Coalition on Crime and Delinquency
PCP Primary Care Physician
PD Police Department
PFA Protection From Abuse
PSB Problematic Sexualized Behavior
PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
RASA Rights and Services Act
SA Sexual Abuse
SANE Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner
SAPO Sexual Assault Protection Order
SART Sexual Assault Response Team
SCR State Central Registry
SORNA Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act
STI Sexually Transmitted Infection
STS Secondary Traumatic Stress
SVU Special Victims Unit
SWAN Statewide Adoption Network
TPR Termination of Parental Rights
UCR Uniform Crime Report
VCAP Victims Compensation Assistance Project
VOCA Victims of Crime Act
VOCAA Victims of Child Abuse Act
VOJO Victims of Juvenile Offenders
VSAC Victim Services Advisory Committee
VT Vicarious Trauma
YPSB Youth with Problematic Sexual Behavior
V/W Victim/Witness

By icgsuper

Dec 06, 2023


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