Young Professionals Group

Join our group of promising young professionals dedicated to ending child abuse. Members actively support Mission Kids through education, advocacy, fundraising, and partnerships.

The Ideal Candidate

Mission Kids seeks candidates aged 21-40 residing or working in Montgomery County. Ideal candidates possess diverse skill sets, including critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation. Previous leadership experience and marketing/networking skills are advantageous.

Benefits of Joining

  • Access to a network of community leaders
  • Professional development and mentorship opportunities
  • Contribution to local impact
  • Leadership opportunities within the council
  • Fun networking events
  • Recognition on Mission Kids’ website
  • Fulfilling work impacting the lives of children

Membership Requirements

  • Annual membership fee of $100
  • Regular attendance at quarterly meetings
  • Participation in social, fundraising, educational, and advocacy events
  • Utilization of personal/professional networks
  • Act as ambassadors for the organization
  • Recruit and engage young volunteers and donors
  • Introduce new technology for organizational efficiency
  • Support social media marketing efforts
  • Participate in required training on recognizing and preventing child abuse

Financial Expectations

While members pay an annual membership fee of $100 which benefits our Mission Fund, we also encourage members to help leverage their networks to help support Mission Kids financially. An important part of the Young Professionals Group is reaching out to your networks to invite others to events and spread the word about Mission Kids. We do ask that members are comfortable reaching out to and making “asks” of their networks.

What does my membership fee go towards?

Your annual membership fee goes toward The Mission Kids Mission Fund. This is a dedicated fund aimed at providing essential support for child abuse victims by covering their basic needs expenses. This fund recognizes the critical importance of addressing the immediate needs of these vulnerable children, ensuring their safety and well-being. By covering expenses such as food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, and education, the mission fund aims to alleviate the burdens faced by child abuse victims and enable them to rebuild their lives with a sense of stability and hope.

Kaity Andrey


Kaity Andrey
Communications, Marketing & Outreach Manager
484-687-2990 ext. 1034

Learn about other services available through Mission Kids

Forensic Interviews

When kids need to retell their abuse, Mission Kids’ child-centric interviews help build the strongest case while limiting additional trauma.

Collaborative Services

Uniting top prosecutors, detectives, social workers, pediatricians, and therapists, our multidisciplinary team keeps kids at the center of their investigation.

Family Advocacy

No family should go through a child abuse investigation alone. Mission Kids advocates make sure families are supported at every step.

Medical Services

In partnership with Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Mission Kids can provide medical evaluation referrals to top pediatricians.

Mental Health Services

The trauma of child abuse is tricky. Mission Kids’s network connects kids to specialized providers who can guide them to a healthier headspace.

Prevention Education & Training

Mission Kids is a national leader in child abuse prevention for kids, caregivers, and professionals. Click to request a training for your organization.
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