Education & Prevention

As part of our Community Outreach Initiative, Mission Kids offers various prevention programs suitable for different ages and roles.

We organize training sessions, engaging talks and presentations, and participate in fairs and community events.

Our educational programs focus on students, educators, child-serving professionals, community leaders, businesses, caregivers, and foster care families. However, we can customize presentations to suit the needs of any group or organization.

For Kids & Teens


ROAR, a child-centered education program, teaches kids aged 4-8 about body safety and encourages them to speak out against abuse.

Safe Touches

Our skilled facilitators use puppets to share evidence-based and age-appropriate information about body safety with second graders. They explain what kids can do if they ever feel unsafe or if someone they know feels that way.

Child Safety Matters

Empower children in grades three through five with safety rules and strategies to prevent, recognize, and respond to bullying, cyberbullying, the four types of child abuse, and digital dangers.

Teen Safety Matters

Empower kids in grades six through 12 with information and strategies to prevent, recognize, and respond to bullying, cyberbullying, all types of abuse, relationship abuse, digital dangers, exploitation, and human trafficking.


Netsmartz is an interactive, age-appropriate internet safety program that empowers children and teens to recognize online dangers, make safe choices, and protect themselves in the digital world.

Mental Health Matters

For kids grades K-12, Mental Health Matters presents a trio of engaging lessons crafted to shine a light on mental well-being and its significance.

Not a Number

Designed for ages 12-18, 'Not a Number' is an interactive program preventing child trafficking. Participants learn to recognize risks, challenge stereotypes, and build support networks. It's crucial for all youth, including those with high-risk indicators, fostering resilience and informed advocacy.

For Parents & Caregivers

Smarter Parents

Gain valuable insights into children's healthy sexual development, fostering open communication with your child and promoting their safety.

Stewards of Children

Teach adults how to prevent, recognize, and respond responsibly to child sexual abuse. It's the only nationally distributed, evidence-based program proven to increase knowledge, improve attitudes, and change child protective behaviors.

Protect & Play: Family Online Safety Night

Join us for a night of empowerment and education to help parents and kids stay safe both on and offline! Parents & kids will participate in two separate programs that are age-appropriate and evidence-based.

After the Lesson: What Teachers and Caregivers Need to Know

Mission Kids has just provided your students with important and developmentally appropriate information on body safety and child abuse prevention. Now what? Learn helpful information and tips for setting you and your children up for safety and success.

For Educators

Roads to Resiliency: the 4 R's to a Trauma-Informed Approach in Education

Learn from mental health and child abuse prevention education experts about the impact of trauma on children’s classroom performance and overall academic achievement.

Beyond the Curriculum: Confronting CSEC in our Classrooms

Help educators grasp the concepts of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) and Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM). Understand how to recognize and respond appropriately to students vulnerable to these crimes.

For Professionals

Child Abuse & Child Advocacy Center (CAC) Overview

Deepen your understanding of child abuse and learn essential tools to intervene effectively. We'll cover everything from recognizing red flags to managing disclosures, ensuring you're equipped to fulfill your role as a mandated reporter.

EMDR Training

Mission Kids has been awarded PCCD Grant Funding to offer Basic Training in Eye Movement Desensitization (EMDR) at no cost to 30 licensed clinicians from PA who are serving clients at, or in partnership with, their local Children’s Advocacy Center.

Mandated Reporter Training

Tailored to mandated reporters in Pennsylvania, get up to speed on state law, recognizing signs of abuse, reporting procedures, and trauma-informed responses.

Mandated Reporter Refresher: Understanding Your Role in Protecting Children

This customizable training offers a deeper dive into key topics like Minimal Fact Interviews, making ChildLine reports, and what happens after a report. Perfect for professionals seeking a refresher or tailored guidance, this is our most popular and impactful presentation for building confidence in responding to child abuse.

Recognizing and Responding to Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children

Deepen your grasp of the urgent challenges related to the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC). Our specialized programs offer targeted, discipline-specific training to equip you with the essential tools and insights needed to effectively combat this widespread issue.

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