Home / Education & Prevention / Roads to Resiliency: The 4 R’s to a Trauma-Informed Approach in Education
Roads to Resiliency: The 4 R’s to a Trauma-Informed Approach in Education
Learn from mental health and child abuse prevention education experts about the impact of trauma on children’s classroom performance and overall academic achievement.
In-Person or Virtual
About the Lesson
Children experience adversity at alarming rates in the United States. By age 16, two-thirds of children in the United States have experienced a potentially traumatic event such as physical or sexual abuse, sudden or violent loss of a loved one, domestic violence, substance abuse, and serious accident or life-threatening illness. Presenters will share their first-hand experience using real-life examples from their professional expertise in the child abuse, education, and mental health professions.
What You'll Learn
During this interactive workshop, presenters will cover the 4 R’s to a trauma-informed approach in education:
- Realize the prevalence and impact of trauma, as well as potential paths for recovery
- Recognize the signs and symptoms of trauma in students, families and staffÂ
- Respond by fully integrating knowledge about traumatic stress into school policies and practices
- Resist Re-traumatization through understanding and recognizing how current classroom/school practices may trigger trauma histories

Get Started
Michelle McDyre
Director of Prevention Education